SIXTYFOUR is a team of experienced designers, storytellers & digital engineers.
We are passionate about pushing the limits of technology and bringing creative ideas to life in intriguing, engaging ways.
3D & Animation
What better way to keep your audience engaged than with a visually and/or emotionally stimulating motion graphics or animation?
Real-time 3D Engine
Bring the power of immersive, interactive experiences across every stage of your product lifecycle using our real-time 3D development platform.
Touchless Experiences
Interactive kiosks and other public screens become touchless interfaces, minimizing contact with shared surfaces.
Projection Mapping
Projection mapping allows for projection directly onto museum objects and architecture, the creation of immersive spaces, and opens new possibilities for shared and social augmented reality-like experiences.
The Model Viewer can also be touchless enabled for a hands-free, gesture controlled experience.
Our Model Viewer utilizes a real time 3D engine that allows for the import of complex models and interactive touch points.
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